PATRIC became founding member of the National Platform for Smart Urban Resilience

By signing the founding agreement, the National Platform for Smart Urban Resilience was ceremoniously established on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 in the premises of the Czech Chamber of Commerce. Its purpose is to increase urban and territorial resilience in the Czech Republic with the help of new and emerging technologies.

Good governance of cities and regions is characterized, among others, by ensuring the effective functioning of basic systems and protection of the population in crisis situations – from accidents and system failures, natural disasters caused by extreme weather events, pandemic diseases to terrorist attacks – and the ability to adapt and transform towards sustainable development, including economic, environmental and socio-demographic issues. This “resilience” can be significantly increased by modern technologies used in the concept of smart cities.

The National Platform for Smart Urban Resilience is an open interdisciplinary platform associating professional organizations, institutions, associations, and communities that deal with the issues of smart urban and territorial resilience, natural assets, and related infrastructures in a broad sense. The mission of the platform is to create a space for sharing existing and acquiring new relevant knowledge and competencies and their synergic use in practice and to contribute to the development of new technologies and their application in urban units in the Czech Republic. The members of the platform will focus their activities primarily on professional, research, innovation, organizational, publishing and implementation activities. The platform will develop its activities in the Czech Republic, but will also cooperate with similarly focused groups and other relevant and interested entities abroad.



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