Our work

Research and Innovation

We specialize in independent applied research and, in cooperation with other partners from the Czech Republic and abroad, participate in research and development projects.
We seek smart, tailor-made innovative solutions and we take an active part in the development of the innovation environment in the Czech Republic, both independently and with the help of professional interest groups and associations. We are engaged in contract research and provide research services.

Research and Innovation Platform

Knowledge of the academia, market needs and specific issues of cities and municipalities allows us to successfully connect all important stakeholders in the system.
We are searching for suitable technologies and research and innovation teams for small, medium and large enterprises and for public administration. We help universities and research organizations find application partners. We identify interesting opportunities for investors.

Technology and Knowledge transfer

We are creating a platform for international technology and knowledge transfer, especially from Israel.
We work closely with the Jerusalem startup accelerator AtoBe, focusing on the latest technologies and engineering. The companies that went through its program received a total of more than USD 30 million in investment capital and several awards.

Project Management

We help not only create a research, development, or innovation project, but also successfully implement it.
We give advice on the selection of suitable technologies and the way they are used, we secure both the practical and research focus of the project. We set up professional technical teams, budget, and schedule. In addition to methodological support and project management, we are seeking possible sources of funding.

Valorisation of Research and Innovation

We help to implement the results of research, development, and innovation into practice, and thus to value and commercialize them.
We value intellectual property and provide legal advice, especially in licensing and patent policy. We also provide general advice for newly established companies –⁠ startups and spin-offs, especially in the areas of marketing, financing, and managing relations with investors and the media.

Advise and Consultancy services

We provide professional advice and consultancy services on research, development, and innovation.
We provide consultancy services on the selection of suitable funding from national and European sources. We process specialized audits and feasibility studies. We analyze and process strategic and conceptual materials. In addition to project preparation and management, we give advice on implementing project results and innovations into practice.


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