As part of the 4th public call of the TREND Program of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support industrial research and experimental development, the Technology Agency will also support the project of our center “Digital twin of a wastewater treatment plant for simulations of operational optimizations in real time and scale”.
The main goal of the project is – by means of the implementation of new knowledge from the field of informatics, advanced technologies, and the principles of Industry 4.0 – to ensure effective wastewater treatment (WWTP), with the possibility of optimization in real time based on simulations of technological measures in the digital twin WWTP. Another goal is the integration of the new principle of documentation management and its management using a digital twin, which, thanks to the database system in the object architecture, will enable the automation of operational tasks, effective management of operational data and continuous evaluation of defined performance indicators (electricity consumption, effluent quality, carbon footprint, etc.).
Other participants of the project are the University of Chemistry and Technology – Faculty of Environmental Technology, Vodohospodářský podnik PLc., and Vodovody a kanalizace Beroun PLc.