Prof. Michal Mejstřík, One of the Founders of PATRIC, Passed Away

With deep sorrow we received an unexpected news that on Thursday, January 7, 2021, one of the founders of our Center, Professor Michal Mejstřík died with the COVID-19 disease.

Professor Mejstřík studied Econometrics at the University of Economics in Prague and completed his studies at the London School of Economics with a focus on financing for business competitiveness, including disruptive innovation. In 1993, he founded and subsequently led for 17 years the Institute of Economic Studies, a prestigious economic think tank, that brought with CERGE-IE economy at Charles University among TOP100 world universities.

However, his activities did not focus only on theory and the academia. In the last three decades, he has repeatedly been engaged as an external consultant for international organizations (USAID, World Bank, European Commission in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia), the Czech government and numerous corporations, both independently and through EEIP, a.s. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Czech Republic’s international relations as the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Korea for Trade and Scientific and Technological Cooperation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor Mejstřík served as a member of the economic advisory team of the Central Crisis Staff. He also became a member of the KoroNERV-20 expert group, which aimed to reduce the impact of the pandemic on the Czech economy.

During our meetings, he continued to surprise us with his knowledge, wide view, and ability to concentrate the essentials, entertain with a sense of humour, and inspire us with his approach to life and interest in the people and the world around him.

Our deep condolences to his family.


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