High-growth firms and intellectual property rights: the IPR profile of high-potential SMEs in Europe

The study called High-growth firms and intellectual property rights produced by the EPO and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and it looks at the use of IPR (intellectual property right) by high-growth SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) and analyses how these firms shape their IPR strategies prior to experiencing high growth. The study shows that IPR activity can be used as a leading indicator of future SME success by policymakers, potential investors or business partners wishing to identify high-growth firms at an early stage in their development. The present study aims to determine the importance of IPR activities for HGFs in Europe. To this end, it assesses whether SMEs that make more frequent use of IPRs are more likely to become HGFs. It also examines the particular ways in which HGFs shape their IPR strategies prior to experiencing high growth. It is therefore a major goal for the EPO and EUIPO, as European offices, to support the growth and development of European SMEs by helping them obtain sound IP protection and thus enabling them to commercialise their intellectual assets across Europe and globally.


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