Feasibility study of the construction of a virtual photovoltaic power plant

For the City District of Prague 3, PATRIC has prepared a feasibility study focused on the conditions of construction and operation of a community virtual photovoltaic power plant. The study creates a background document for the processing of project documentation for the construction of a network of photovoltaic power plants owned by the city district, which will then be interconnected and operated as a single photovoltaic power plant.

In the study, we focus on the selection of suitable sites and the design of the size and capacity of individual photovoltaic power plants, as well as the parameters of software for their control and communication. Based on the address of the energy network operator, we clarify the operating conditions of the entire virtual power plant. Separate chapter also deals with the assessment of current legislation concerningthe construction of photovoltaic power plants and the operation of relevant community energy sources.

The project was implemented within the Smart Prague 2030 concept.



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