
As part of the 4th public call of the TREND Program of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support industrial research and experimental development, the Technology Agency will also support the project of our center "Digital twin of a wastewater treatment plant for simulations of operational optimizations in real time and scale".
For the City District of Prague 3, PATRIC has prepared a feasibility study focused on the conditions of construction and operation of a community virtual photovoltaic power plant. The study creates a background document for the processing of project documentation for the construction of a network of photovoltaic power plants owned by the city district, which will then be interconnected and operated as a single photovoltaic power plant.
Since November 2020, PATRIC has been participating in the solution of the “Algorithmized analysis of data outputs for online evaluation and prioritization of selected parameters in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices for remote monitoring” project.


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